All the funniest memes about Tom Holland and Zendaya's kiss

5 July 2021, 13:05 | Updated: 5 July 2021, 14:17

By Katie Louise Smith

Nicki Minaj? "She should have kept an eye out for Zendayerrrr"

Well well well, what do we have here then? Tom Holland and Zendaya? Kissing? Everyone on social media losing their minds and plunging the timelines into absolute chaos? Memes?? About Nicki Minaj?!! And Jake Gyllenhaal??!! Yes. To all of the above.

Rumours about Tom Holland and Zendaya being a couple in real life have been swirling around the pair for years. The two Spider-Man co-stars have even commented publicly in the past about how they were just great friends and were not romantically involved.

However (!), new photos published by Page Six have now emerged of Tom and Zendaya kissing the front seat of Tom's car as they waited at a red light in Los Angeles, and everyone who spent the last 4 years manifesting Tomdaya into existence is, obviously, having a meltdown.

Shortly after the photos began circulating on social media, the memes started flooding in with people making the exact same jokes about Nicki Minaj and Jake Gyllenhaal.

Here are all the funniest memes and reactions to Tom Holland and Zendaya's kiss...

Tom Holland and Nicki Minaj memes go viral after Zendaya kiss photos
Tom Holland and Nicki Minaj memes go viral after Zendaya kiss photos. Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images, @nickiminaj via Instagram

The memes about Tom and Zendaya's kiss...

You know that scene in Community when Troy walks back into his apartment with some pizzas only to find out that everything is suddenly on fire and everyone is screaming? Very that.

From people confused about whether they were more jealous of Tom or Zendaya, to people that had been praying to the Tomdaya Gods since their first scene in Homecoming, the timeline was truly thriving.

The memes about Tom Holland 'cheating' on Nicki Minaj...

You know who is not sleeping peacefully after finding out Zendaya and Tom Holland are finally a couple? Nicki Minaj. Or at least, the fictional version of Nicki Minaj who has been in a relationship with the fictional version of Tom Holland for many years.

For context, the Tom Holland and Nicki Minaj baby daddy joke started back in 2019, thanks to a fan account (@tomnetherlands) who posted multiple video edits with elaborate fictional storylines about Tom's relationship with Nicki and James Charles. Tom even addressed the long-running internet joke in an interview with GQ. His response? "This actually really stressed me out, and then I saw it was Nicki Minaj. And then I realised I've never met Nicki Minaj."

And the memes about Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal's break up...

If you logged on at any point during the press tour for Spider-Man: Far From Home, you'll know All Too Well about Tom and Jake Gyllenhaal's bromance. Nay, straight up romance.

In fact, the second anniversary of Tom and Jake telling of their love on the red carpet at the Far From Home premiere was only a week ago. Now everyone is making the same joke about Jake... Alexa, play 'Good 4 U' by Olivia Rodrigo.

Tomdaya? We're ready!

Read more Tom Holland and Zendaya content here: