27 unanswered questions from Stranger Things 4 that'll keep you up at night

7 July 2022, 21:34 | Updated: 7 July 2022, 21:54

By Katie Louise Smith

What's under Lucas' bed? Where is Murray? WHAT HAPPENED TO DR. OWENS?

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As the penultimate season of the series (season 5 will be the last), Stranger Things 4 made good on the promise that answers to questions we've had since 2016 will finally start to be revealed.

From the fate of the other Hawkins lab kids, to the truth behind Dr. Brenner's motives, season 4 spoiled us with big reveals.

Of course, with Stranger Things 5 set to continue on with the chaos and destruction that season 4's storyline left us with, there's no doubt we'll be getting plenty of answers to all the lingering questions about Vecna, the history of the Upside Down and how Will Byers is connected to the whole thing.

Until then, there's still plenty of other unanswered questions from season 4 that we still can't stop thinking about... Where is Murray? What happened to Eddie's body? How did Hopper and Joyce eventually get back from Russia in the end?!

READ MORE: Stranger Things 5 theory suggests how Eddie could return as Kas and kill Vecna

Stranger Things 4: 27 unanswered questions that'll keep you up at night
Stranger Things 4: 27 unanswered questions that'll keep you up at night. Picture: Netflix

1) How did Henry Creel get his powers?

It all began with 001, so the answer to this question will no doubt be factored into the final season's big reveals. But seriously, where did his powers even come from to begin with? And how was Brenner actually able to replicate them in others?

2) When did the Upside Down turn into Hawkins? And who created it?

Ok, so we now know that the Upside Down already existed when Henry was banished/sent flying through the gate that Eleven ripped open in the lab. He explored the landscape, he shaped the black smoke into the spider-shaped Mind Flayer we know today... but how did that wasteland end up as a mirrored version of Hawkins? Was that Vecna's doing? Or was that somehow... Will's doing?

3) Does the Upside Down exist anywhere else? How far and wide does the Upside Down stretch?

Does it cover the entire state of Indiana? The entire country? THE ENTIRE WORLD?!

4) Why is the Upside Down stuck in 1983?

The significance of time inside the Upside Down being stuck on the exact date that Will went missing clearly means that it has everything to do with him, right? But why? And how? The Duffer brothers have already confirmed that season 5 will address this exact plot thread so, we guess we'll just be theorising about what the hell it could mean for the next two years. Plenty of time to get your theories in order!

5) Why is Vecna only targeting teenagers?

We know that Vecna has killed adults in the past, as he murdered his own mum and tried to kill his dad too. We also know that he can hear the thoughts and sense the feelings of adults, which we saw when he was searching for his next victim in that weird red smoke vision world. But why did his masterplan involve the death of four teenagers? Were they just easier to kill?

6) Where did Vecna go?

I don't know about you but Vecna looked pretty dead to me when he was laying on the ground going up in flames. Did the Upside Down absorb him? Did he get up and walk off? Did the Mind Flayer scoop him up and whisk him away? I am STRESSED.

7) Does Vecna control the Mind Flayer? Or does the Mind Flayer control Vecna?

Maybe it's a collab? Maybe they're the co-presidents of the Upside Down and they take turns putting the shifts in?

8) What's the significance of the gate erupting on the library?

Is it simply just because it's the middle of Hawkins? Or is there actually some kind of significance to that exact location? In case you forgot, that's where the Demogorgon dragged Will's body and where Joyce and Hopper found him – and dead Barb, RIP – in season 1.

Stranger Things 4: Vecna's gate opens at the library, where Will was found in the Upside Down
Stranger Things 4: Vecna's gate opens at the library, where Will was found in the Upside Down. Picture: Netflix

9) What were the Russians actually planning to do with the Demogorgon? And all those demodogs? And the Mind Flayer particles?!

They surely can't have just been for their own personal prison fight club? Have they been breeding them? Growing them?! Building an army?!

10) Did Yuri give all that money back to Joyce?

So, the last we saw of that $40k, Yuri was counting it at his desk while Joyce and Murray were downing spiked coffee. He had to give at least some of the money back, right?

11) What happened to Joyce’s house in Lenora and all the Byers' belongings?

Does Joyce even know her house was completely destroyed by the military? Was her house just left completely decimated, doors unlocked, for the entire week? Are the Byers ever gonna get their stuff back? At this point, material belongings probably don't matter to Joyce, but these answers matter to ME.

12) How did they actually get back from Russia? WHAT HAPPENED OVER THOSE TWO DAYS?

I’m dead serious, I need a full itinerary of their trip back. It’s not funny. How far did Katinka manage to fly? Did they stop to refuel? How did they make it back into US airspace without being shot down by the government? Where did they land? Where did they go after that? Did Hopper and Joyce finally get to ~reunite~ properly at some point on the journey back? Yeah, several questions. Looks like we will be using our imaginations after all.

13) What happened to Yuri, Murray and Dmitri/Enzo?

Forget all those questions about Vecna, we need to know where Yuri, Murray and Dmitri went after they landed back in the US. We assume Yuri stayed in Alaska, but Murray? Did he go home? Did he take Dmitri with him? Did Owens' people sort Dmitri out with a visa or something? WHERE ARE THEY????

Stranger Things 4: What happened to Murray and Enzo?
Stranger Things 4: What happened to Murray and Enzo? Picture: Netflix

14) If there’s going to be a time jump, how long are they going to leave Max just lying there in that hospital?

Theorising about how long the reported season 5 time jump will be is fun, until you realise that months and months might be about to pass with Max still lying in that hospital bed in a coma. The Duffer brothers have teased a possible time jump, but they've also teased that season 5 will jump straight back into the action. Either way, poor Max.

15) What happened to Eddie’s body?

Sorry to bring up devastating memories of Eddie's tragic death again but ummmm, what happened to his body? Did they just– Did they leave him in the Upside Down? :(

16) How did everyone react to Eddie’s death?

That 'Two Days Later' time jump is the real villain of the show, honestly. Dustin was the only character we truly saw grieve Eddie's death, but what about Steve, Nancy and Robin? How did they react? How did they console Dustin when they found him? Does Mike even know? Justice for Eddie!

17) How did Dustin, Steve, Nancy and Robin escape the Upside Down and get back to Hawkins?

Seeing as the gates that they climbed through at first have now been turned into massive rifts in the earth on both the Upside Down and the Rightside Up, were they just able to climb through them or what?

18) Did Enzo’s get destroyed in the “earthquake”?

If Hopper doesn't get his hands on those breadsticks soon, you will be hearing from my lawyer.

19) What’s under Lucas’ bed?

Expose him, Erica!

20) Why didn’t Vecna show Ted Wheeler in Nancy’s vision?

Nancy listing off every single member of her family that she saw in those visions and not her own dad? Wow, even Vecna doesn't even care about Ted Wheeler enough to kill him, apparently.

21) Why did Karen Wheeler have her own poster?

Karen Wheeler finally getting her own poster this season led fans to believe that she would have more of a prominent role – but in the end, she didn't. The only explanation: She's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment. Her perm was simply too iconic to ignore in the promo pics.


Actually, no. I don't want to know. I can't afford to spend another 48 hours sobbing uncontrollably.

READ MORE: Stranger Things 4's Sadie Sink reveals what Max's letter to Lucas says

Stranger Things 4: What did Max's letters say?
Stranger Things 4: What did Max's letters say? Picture: Netflix

23) Can Eleven suddenly revive people now?

Obviously, we're going to get an answer to this revelation in season 5 so all we can do now is theorise, speculate and spiral. Something about those happy memories clearly saved Max's life, similar to the way they saved both El and Max from Vecna's attacks in the past... But how?

24) Does Sullivan still want to kill Eleven?

I'm sorry but if this man still wants Eleven dead after all that's happened? She wasn't even in Hawkins when this all went down! It wasn't her! Leave her alone! Get a job!

25) What happened to Argyle?

Did anyone else notice how they just left him roaming around the forest collecting mushrooms in that final scene? What's going to happen with him now? Is he going to stay in Hawkins? Will he drive back home? Will he ever see Suzie's sister again?

26) Why does Kali/008 have different powers to the other kids?

Right at the top of our wish list for season 5? The return of Kali and an explanation as to why those mind-manipulation powers of hers are so vastly different to every other kid in Brenner's program. The fact that both her and Eleven's powers combined are the same as 001/Vecna's? There's definitely something more there.


WHERE IS HE?!??!?!?

Read more about Stranger Things 5 here:

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