This detailed Twilight character test tells you which character you’re most like

28 April 2021, 14:36

By Katie Louise Smith

Are you more of a Bella Swan or an Edward Cullen?

Ever since 2005, when we all sat down to read Twilight for the first time, we've been wondering which character we were truly most like. You may have done other quizzes before but a much more detailed one is now going viral on social media.

The IDRlabs 'Twilight Character Test' determines which Twilight characters you resemble the most, based on your answers to a series of 35 statements. The quiz asks you to either strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree to statements such as "I tend to be an outsider in group situations" and "I think things through before acting".

Based on your answers, it will then calculate which Twilight character (or characters – maybe you're a mix of two!) you're most like, and give you a percentage for the seven characters in the quiz. The results are influenced by classic personality theories.

Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Jacob Black, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale are all available as results. (CGI baby Renesmee is sadly not an option.)


The IDRlabs Twilight Character Test is going viral on Twitter
The IDRlabs Twilight Character Test is going viral on Twitter. Picture: Summit Entertainment, IDRlabs

After you've answered all 35 questions, you'll be shown your results and will also be presented with a description of the character you've matched with.

For those who ended up with their highest percentage in Bella, the quiz describes their personality as "reserved and not easy for others to understand", but also "strong-willed and has unbending confidence in [their] own decisions." Bella is also described as "intensely protective" and as having a "fiercely loyal heart".

IDRlabs Twilight character test is going viral on Twitter
IDRlabs Twilight character test is going viral on Twitter. Picture:

Jacob is described as "strong-willed and sensitive" and a "born leader to whom others immediately look for guidance" who "radiates authority and determination."

For people who scored high with Rosalie, the quiz describes their personality as "fearless and brave" and someone who "thrives on continuous challenge". Rosalie's descriptions also reads: "She fights for what she believes in and is rarely afraid to speak her mind."

IDRlabs Twilight character test is going viral on Twitter
IDRlabs Twilight character test is going viral on Twitter. Picture:

So, who did you get?