Black Trans Lives Matter march this weekend in London: here's everything you need to know

24 June 2020, 12:21 | Updated: 24 June 2020, 15:50

Black Trans Lives Matter Protest London This Weekend
Black Trans Lives Matter Protest London This Weekend. Picture: Getty
Woodrow Whyte

By Woodrow Whyte

Black Trans Lives Matter.

This weekend will see thousands of trans people and allies marching through London as part of the Black Trans Live Matter protests.

The protest is in response to the Conservative government’s leaked plans to ​abandon progressive reforms to the Gender Recognition Act​, reforms which will cause a disproportionate amount of damage to lives of black trans women​.

The demonstration is being supported by London Trans Pride and will take place Saturday 27 June from 2pm at Wellington Arch and will conclude 3pm at Downing Street. Organisers are urging protestors to wear face masks due to social distancing measures and to “protect your identity”.

To honour the Black trans community, it has also been advised to “wear flowers and bring flowers”.

READ MORE: Here's how to support Black Lives Matter protesters in the US and UK

Black Trans Lives Matter Protest London
Black Trans Lives Matter Protest London. Picture: London Trans Pride

The march follows protests up and down the UK this month in support of Black Lives Matter, and the historic Black Trans Lives Matter demonstration at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City (14 June) which was reportedly attended by over 40,000 people.

Explaining more about the importance of the Gender Reform Act, London Trans+ Pride explained that they believe the changes to the reforms will cause a disproportionate amount of damage to the lives of black trans women.

"Black trans women already experience ​more violence​ than any other oppressed queer identity. 91% of victims in US trans murders in 2019 were black trans women​. Black trans women are being ​murdered at an alarming rate​, most recently ​Dominique Rem’mie Fells and ​Riah Milton​, whose deaths were brutal, calculated and the result of combined ​racist and transphobic violence​.

"If the UK government is allowed to pass the proposed transphobic changes to the GRA and trans rights, transphobic violence and murder will undoubtedly increase​. Those who commit ​transphobic violence will be emboldened​ by government backing. Making transitioning more difficult will cause trans suicides to spike​. Trans people will ​die​ if the proposed changes go through.

"Government proposals to​ ban trans people from public bathrooms​ would only result in ​more violence towards trans people​, with this kind of violence already ​overt and widespread​ for trans people. To have been ​so close to progressive reform​ and now have ​our rights stripped away from us​ is an enormous blow​ to the entire UK trans community. In recognising the ​severity of the situation,​ we see a need to come together, to have our voices heard​, for ourselves, for our siblings and ​for​ ​everyone who is living under a government that doesn't value their life."


The Wellington Arch in London at 2pm, then marching down to Downing Street.

Should I wear a face mask?

Absolutely. Organisers are asking attendees to wear face masks and to practice social distancing as best as they can. Bring water and food supplies too.

How else can I get involved if I can’t make the protest?

There is a GoFundMe page being set up to help cover the costs of PPE, Hi-Vis, food and water for attendees. You can also donate to The Marsha P Johnson Institute and Mermaids UK.