Chloe Moriondo: ‘I read a lot of Supernatural fanfiction it was very embarrassing’ | My Life In 20

19 November 2021, 16:20 | Updated: 19 November 2021, 16:30

Chloe Moriondo My Life In 20
Chloe Moriondo My Life In 20. Picture: Jimmy Fontaine
Woodrow Whyte

By Woodrow Whyte

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Chloe Moriondo takes a trip down memory lane in My Life In 20

2021 is nearly over but it's never too late to find a new musical crush. Ever since we stumbled upon Chloe Moriondo's Bad Bunny album, we've become completely obsessed with her.

With two albums under her belt, support slots on Ashnikko's sell-out US tour, as well as her own headlining dates and TV appearances on Jimmy Kimmel and James Corden, Chloe has achieved a lot in a short amount of time (she's only just turned 19). And now Chloe's released an infectiously dreamy new single with Thomas Headon and Alfie Templeman called 'Dizzy'.

Explaining how they wrote the song, Chloe said: “Alfie and Thomas are such sweet little British boys, I am very blessed to have them on this silly lil tune!! It was really fun workshopping lyrics for it over Zoom and putting random shit in the shared note we used.”

To celebrate the release of 'Dizzy', we asked Chloe to take a trip down memory lane to answer our My Life In 20 questions. Check out those after the jump and listen to the new single below.

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20) What did you learn about yourself in 2020?

I learned that I can actually work with other artists and let people in on the process of making my songs! It was huge for me and I think the best thing to happen for my music. I also learned that it’s fine to take a break from social media and only a few people will think you’re dead.

19) What was your favourite album from 2019?

2019 feels like forever ago, and there’s so many albums I loved; I couldn’t list a single one as my favourite because it would feel so blasphemous to the others but Atlanta Millionaires Club by Faye Webster came to my head first. I have no perception of time but I just knew that was a 2019 album for me. Her voice is so special and the songs feel so palpable, like you could touch them. Not to be cheesy, it is just definitely an album that I hold close to me. It’s really cool that 'Right Side Of My Neck' is blowing up on TikTok right now too! I was and am obsessed with that song!

18) What was the most important thing to happen in your life when you were 18?

Oh boy. Hmm… I made an album, I suppose!!! It basically changed my whole perception of what music can be for me and what my live performances can be like. Blood Bunny is very special to me and it feels like the start of something very beautiful.

17) Who was your crush at 17?

I was probably crushing on my girlfriend then!! She is everything to me and my best friend. We’re so tight it’s the best thing in the world!!! She has always understood my Libra tendencies and let me rant about crushes to her. We go on cute sushi dates and plan to get married someday and share crushes on cute boys for the rest of our lives.

16) What could you do for 16 hours without getting bored?

Play Stardew Valley or Deltarune. I’ve been fixated on those a lot recently as well as Breath of the Wild. I could also sleep for 16 hours without getting bored.

Chloe Moriondo My Life In 20 Interview
Chloe Moriondo My Life In 20 Interview [Credit: Jimmy Fontaine]. Picture: All Press PR

15) What did you hate at 15 which you love now?

Hmmm… This one’s tough! I don’t think I ever really hated many people or bands. I used to hate cilantro probably around that time but somehow my genes must have changed. I was sure I had the soap gene but now I absolutely love cilantro.

14) What TV show were you obsessed with at 14 and why?

Embarrassing, but Supernatural. I had a definite crush on Sam when I started watching it and it was the epicentre of my middle school experience. I watched a lot of it and read a lot of fanfiction it was very embarrassing, let us move on.

13) 13 is unlucky for some. Do you have anything that you’re superstitious about?

I like to do things in threes a lot if that counts as superstitious! I also really believe in not telling wishes unless they come true, and also not reading your fortune until you eat the whole cookie.

12) If you could live the life of any other person for 12 hours, who would you be and why?

I feel like I’d be scared to be anyone else. The responsibility of holding up other people’s relationships and jobs is scary. Maybe I’d just be a bird. I’d like to be able to fly and have no responsibility for 12 hours.

11) What was your favourite film when you were 11?

I have a terrible memory, but it was probably Labyrinth, Beetlejuice, or Ella Enchanted. I was a fan of fun stories and vivid weird imagery with music.

10) Which bad habit do you hope to have quit in ten years time?

Comparing myself to other people and being too lazy to exercise like a normal healthy human!!!!

9) What was your biggest fear when you were 9?

Hmmmm… I didn’t really have many irrational fears or anything but I just had a lot of separation anxiety and didn’t like being alone when I was little. I got over it, so now I’m basically invincible.

8) When you were 8, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A musician!!! And a mom.

7) Which of the seven deadly sins are you most guilty of?

Gluttony. I like to eat sweet stuff and buy things to feel better about things!!! Which I think is fine in moderation, I suppose.

6) You can invite six people to your dream dinner party (dead or alive), who would you invite?

I think I would just invite my three best friends and then Hunter Schafer and whoever else she would want to bring.

Chloe Moriondo
Chloe Moriondo. Picture: Jimmy Fontaine

5) Name five things you can't live without.

My family, my girlfriend, my friends, my dog Sammy, and my computer I guess! Hope we weren’t including food and water in that cus I’m dead otherwise.

4) Describe yourself in four words.

A sweet little friend.

3) Your top three songs of all time.

This is evil to ask of me. I’m gonna go with my gut. 'Think About Things' - Daði Freyr, 'Beetlebum' - Blur, and 'Jesus of Suburbia' - Green Day.

2) Name two things on your bucket list.

Go skydiving and visit Tokyo.

1) Who or what is your one true love?

I have too much love to give to limit it to one thing or person! I love lots of things and lots of people. (The answer is my dog Sammy.)

My Life In 20