'Orange Is the New Black' Has A New Villain Called Badison And Everyone HATES Her

31 July 2018, 17:11 | Updated: 14 August 2018, 14:56

By Sam Prance

She is not popular...

Orange Is the New Black is officially back in full swing. The hit comedy-drama returned with its sixth series on Friday and fans have been catching up on it ever since. Some of us binge-watched it over the weekend, while others have chosen to savour it episode by episode. Just like previous seasons, it is filled with its fair share of laughs, wild plotlines, tearjerking moments and so much more. It's a triumph.

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That's not all though. Season 6 sees the cast of Orange Is the New Black move from Litchfield to a maximum security prison in the aftermath of Season 5's riot. And the change of setting means that there are plenty of brand new characters to obsess over. Daddy, Carol and Barb are early faves but there is one character who literally everyone is tweeting about and not in a good way: Madison Murphy.

Orange Is The New Black
Picture: Netflix

Madison (aka Badison) is Piper's cellmate in max and, from her pranks to her attempts to get Piper to do extra time in prison she is not easy to warm to. Madison's backstory does explain to a certain extent why Madison is the way she is (check out Episode 7) but it doesn't make her any more likeable. The Bostonian inmate is so infuriating that she is almost universally disliked.

And this doesn't have anything at all to do with the actress who plays her. Amanda Fuller (Grey's Anatomy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Last Man Standing) acts as Madison perfectly. In fact, it's because Amanda performs so well in the season that fans have such passionate responses to Madison.

Here are just a few of the reactions to 'Badison'.

Some are not mincing their words.

We see no lies.

Like not at all.

No comment.

Others are pointing out that it's not just viewers who hate 'Badison'.

Yeah. The inmates aren't keen on her either.

A few fans are expressing their thoughts with images.

That does the trick.

One or two want to punch her in the face.

Careful. You don't want to end up in a cell with her.

A couple of people can't cope with the name.

It suits the character tbh.

Amanda was amazing in other programmes though so that's cool.

We appreciated a prolific actress.

It doesn't change the fact that viewers hate Badison so much that they don't enjoy watching her scenes at all though.

Harsh but fair.

And last but not least the most insulting take of all.

Tea was served.