IDR Labs' Difficult Person Test tells you if you're difficult to get along with

11 January 2021, 12:41

By Katie Louise Smith

Are you difficult to get along with? Take the Difficult Person Test to find out.

Ready for another personality quiz? Of course you are! A few weeks after IDRlabs' 4 Axes Test went viral, a new one is now doing the rounds on Twitter: The Difficult Person Test.

The brief synopsis of the IDRlabs test reads: "Most of the world’s cultures have expressions that describe people who are difficult to get along with. Chelsea Sleep and her colleagues at the University of Georgia now believe they can scientifically quantify the seven elements that constitute a difficult person."


The Difficult Person Test also notes that it cannot provide accurate assessments of your personality traits, so take the results of this online quiz with a pinch of salt.

If you're curious as to whether or not you're difficult too get along with, here's how to do the Difficult Person Test...

Difficult Person Test: How to take the quiz
Difficult Person Test: How to take the quiz. Picture: Netflix,

All you have to do to find out whether or not you're difficult to get along with is say whether you agree to disagree with the 35 statements within the test.

The questions include statements like "I can get pretty angry when others disagree with me," "I hold grudges," and "I often feel suspicious of people, even after they’ve acted loyally toward me."

You then have to use the slider to say whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with those statements.

IDR Labs' Difficult Person quiz is going viral on TikTok
IDR Labs' Difficult Person quiz is going viral on Twitter. Picture:

The quiz will then display your results in a graph, alongside a detailed description of each of the final seven categories. Here's what they mean:

- Callousness (lacks empathy or concern for others, enjoys making people feel uncomfortable.)

- Grandiosity (entitlement, self-importance and thinking you're better than others.)

- Aggressiveness ("behave rudely and with hostility toward others".)

- Suspicion (distrustful of others, reluctant to open up and unable to accept kind-hearted gestures.)

- Manipulativeness (takes others for granted, and exploits them for selfish reasons and personal gain.)

- Dominance (wants to be seen as a leader, talks down to others, "often react with combativeness when they cannot get what they want".)

- Risk-taking (Impulsive, reckless, "often get pleasure from shocking others with their adventures and stunts.")

At the end of the quiz, you will also be given a percentage and a final result saying whether you are a difficult person to get along with or an easy person to get along with.

IDR Labs' Difficult Person quiz is going viral on Twitter
IDR Labs' Difficult Person quiz is going viral on Twitter. Picture: via Twitter

So, are you a difficult person to get along with?

READ MORE: This detailed personality test tells you which fictional character you're most like